I want to thank Jan Verhoeff for the Kreative Blogger Award.
There are some rules attached to this.
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.
I have selected:
Writing Fiction Right from novelist Gail Gaymer Martin -If you want to write quality fiction,this blog will provide you with a lot of helpful information. Publishers are looking for dynamic plots, believable characters, realistic dialogue, deep emotion and stories that hook readers. You will find this and much more at Gail Gaymer's Writing Fiction Right Blog.
Guide to Literary Agents-An EDITOR'S BLOG .When & How To Find an Agent To Represent Your Work. Extraordinary information on new agents, winning queries, and stories on "how I got my agent." All this and much more.
Author Camy Tang's Story Sensei-Helpful tips to help writers doctor their own manuscripts. Critique services as well. A long list of interesting articles that can help aide you through your writing career along with great writing techniques.
Literary Agent Nathan Bransford's blog
An essential list of publishing topics and guidance from a reputable agent. You'll be sure to find an answer to your questions here. No surprise it has received plenty of awards.
Literary agent Chip Mac Gregor's blog -Publishing tips, insights, and wisdom from a seasoned pro in the book business. Another great blog with endless information on the publishing industry.
The kill zone -Insider perspectives from today's hottest thriller and mystery writers. The musings of 7 top thriller and mystery authors covering topics that inspire, anger, amuse, and entertain us. Awesome insights and tips. Everyday a Kill Zone author posts.
Agent Rachelle Gardner's blog Rants & RamblingsOn a Life as a Literary Agent. Every aspiring writer should follow this blog. Priceless information on publishing, agents, and much much more. It's not a surprise it received an award from Writer's Digest as 101 Best Websites For Writers.
These are my absolute favorite blogs. Great ones to follow. Especially if you are an aspiring writer. Hope you enjoy them as much as I have. I found them to all be invaluable. Awesome blogs from AWESOME people!
7 Things about Me:
7 Things about Me:
1) I've done hair for over fifteen years.
2) Writing is a passion I could NEVER give up.
3) I have several "things to do" on my bucket list, including: learning how to paint, DJ, decorating cakes, and arranging flowers.
4) I also have a strong passion for drawing.
5) I love to create...it doesn't matter what it is, if I can create it I'm happy!
6) I carry a bottle of chamomile/lavender in my purse. It helps calm the spirit.
7)Last, but not least, I once experienced what one of my characters was experiencing. I had just finished writing a scene about my heroine who was gasping for air. Moments later I choked, and I was gasping for air, wheezing. I guess God wanted me to know what it was really like so I could bring the scene to life.
That’s all there is to it. Now let’s get out there and nominate seven other fantastic bloggers!
That’s all there is to it. Now let’s get out there and nominate seven other fantastic bloggers!
Cool blog....I'm going to save this and use as a template to forward on to othe well*deserving bloggers. Thanks.
Stephen Tremp
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