
Monday, June 27, 2011

Villains and Protagonists--We Love To Hate Them

Photo by Martha Ramirez

One of the most interesting aspects of literature are its villains and antagonists. Today Nike Chillemi is here with me to discuss this very intriguing topic. Now on to the discussion…

 Mart: I've got this fascinating villain, let's call him The Opposer. He's tall, slender with a really annoying habit of looking smug and satisfied with himself. But that's not important. The important part is that he's in my main character's way. And she needs to get away from him.
A lot of his motives/personality traits resulted from his childhood past. His father abused and neglected him as a kid and his peers ridiculed him. He became a guy who had no conscience to speak out until his father died.

Nike: That makes me think of my antagonist, Milo MacTavish, the richest man in the tiny fictitious village of Sanctuary Point on the Great South Bay of Long Island, NY. Milo's father and grandfather had a magnificent sailboat they painted completely black and they ran whiskey in it during prohibition. If they turned its lights off at night the Coast Guard couldn't see them.

Naturally that was a very dangerous thing to do that put themselves and their crew at risk. But those two old salts felt they could do anything they wanted. Milo picked up this trait. He thinks he's entitled to whatever he desires and he feels he is an unstoppable force.

Does the Opposer feel he should be able to take whatever he wants? Would he crush anyone who got in his way and lose no sleep whatsoever?

Mart: Milo and the Opposer sound a lot alike! Yes, the Opposer will crush anyone who gets in his way. With the help of his loyal minions, he is more likely to get what he wants—and trampling on others is no problem. But not if my MC can help it. She's more stubborn than a herd of mules.

Nike: I'm glad you mentioned your heroine. I really enjoyed writing my heroine. She's youthful, was sheltered by loving parents who doted on her, but they brought her up to think for herself. She's got a real independent streak that sometimes gets her in trouble.

The novel is set on the Great South Bay of Long Island, NY at the close of WWII (1946). My heroine loves to go around her tiny village in a very new thing in fashion…lady's pants. And she's stirred up some gossip about herself.

What is your heroine like? What was her family life like? Has she done anything that caused a stir?

Mart: Nike, your heroine has quite the personality. My heroine is a very strong-willed individual. Growing up she was the center of all attention but not in a way she would have liked. She was different than the rest of her peers. Some might say odd. Others considered her mysterious. The Opposer imprisoned her shortly after her fifth birthday so she didn't have much of a family life. And yep, she has done plenty to cause a stir.

Well that wraps up our discussion of villains and antagonists and the impact they have upon our main characters. If anyone wants more information about Nike's debut novel Burning Hearts, go to the links provided below.

 Don't forget to stop by next week. I'll be posting some tips on creating believable characters.
How about you? What's your protagonist and villain like?

 Also Nike's latest release is now available!

BURNING HEARTS can be purchased here:

Barnes & Noble

You can also learn more about her HERE


  1. So good to see ya here, Nike! I loved her spunky heroine! :)

    Sounds like your book will be full of twists and turns too, Martha!

    I love sneaky villains, the kind who seem like they might even be good. I also like to make my bad guys attractive! :)

    Fun post!

  2. Fun post. I have the hardest time with villains. I don't like villains who are too mean. It's my pollyanna outlook I guess. But I can certainly appreciate a well formed antagonist.

  3. Interesting post, Mart. I love me a good villian, and I think I've created a memorable one in Garth from A Real Bad Burn.

  4. Villians are almost more fun to write than either the hero or heroine :) I like your website, Mart!

  5. I need to write a book with a real villain. Well, one book does, but you don't see him much. Maybe the next one. They sound like so much fun to write!

    Oh, and D'Ann is right. Garth is a bad 'un. Delicious!

  6. Thank you all for stopping by! Enjoyed reading your comments.:)

  7. Mart, Thx for having me. I love your blog. Luv the look of it.

    This was such a fun interview. Of course writing villains is fun too.

    Again, thx for having me. :)

  8. I love villain who isn't two-dimensional and has a few redeeming qualities or some kind of honor thrown in. I actually have an idea for a villian who later becomes a hero. Lol, is that an anti-hero?

  9. Glad to have you Nike!

    Lisa, sounds like a creative idea:)

  10. Great post Mart and Nike, the conversation was a really neat and entertaining way to show/tell us about characters.


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