
Saturday, May 19, 2012

RAOK Message of Gratitude

Okay, so it's RAOK (Random Acts of Kindness)week for writers at The Bookshelf Muse and we are ALL participating in sharing lovely and thoughtful acts of kindness to others, right? 

If you haven't already sent a shout out or a kindness gesture to another writer or reader, it's not too late. It's NEVER too late.

In honor of sharing kind gestures to others I'd like to share with you something I discovered. I was going through my memory boxes and have found some really cool things that I will be sharing in a future blog post (stay tuned). 

I've got some pics to share of my very first book I've written at age seven and lots of some other fun discoveries. 

Anyway, I discovered how to record a voice message on my phone to share with friends. However, I quickly found the file used is not compatible with PCs so I did some digging and I found something really cool.

How many of you have CPs from different states or even countries? Chances are you do. What if I were to tell you, you can easily send each of them a nice personable message letting them know just how much you appreciate them? 

I'm betting most of you who have had contact with your CPs for years have never ever even heard their voice. Aren't you curious what they sound like? Not only that, wouldn't you want to tell them how much you absolutely love them and appreciate them via voice message?

Well, here's your chance.

I also think this is an excellent communication tool. You know those times when it's much easier to voice something than to type it out? Maybe a short five minute brainstorming session. 

Or just letting your CP know how your day went is an awesome way to communicate. I think it's just fun to actually hear the voice of the person you've communicated to all these months—years—decades.

Some of you may already know how to do this but for those who don't, here are four easy steps on How to Record and Send a Voice Message by Email.

So go on. Let's spread some kindness out there. Send your CP or special someone a message of gratitude. I guarantee you it will put a smile on their face (as long as you say something nice LOL).

I realize I am giving away all my secrets here but I only do it cuz I care for you all so very much! Happy RAOK week!!

Don't forget to stop by The Book Shelf Muse for a chance to spread RAOK and an opportunity to win some goodies. 

Here's some trivia for you. If you can have anybody's voice, who would it be and why?


  1. I love this idea and I had no idea this could be done. I love it! :)

  2. Very cool. Thanks for your message!

  3. This is really cool, Mart! I've always wanted to sing...Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston!


  4. Thanks for the info I didn't know you could do this.

  5. sweet angel! The message--voice message--you sent me, was beautiful, sweet, and oh so appreciated. Also, it came at the perfect time--just when I was feeling down.

  6. I know what you sound like - because yous sent me the most fantastic message. Thank you - and some day I will do the same.

  7. Wow, I didn't know you could do this, either. Cool idea!

  8. Thank you ALL for stopping by! Appreciate it!

  9. Very cool idea. I've met all my CPs so I do know what they sound like!

  10. You're so lucky, Elana! That's so awesome! I would love to meet my CPs in person.

  11. Hi Martha! Please stop by my blog because you've been tagged for the The Lucky 7 Meme.

    Have a great day!

  12. Hey! Nice to find your blog--we are fellow "memers." Where are you in Norcal? I'm in Sac.
    Nice to meet a fellow Norcalian, and Christian. ;)

  13. Susanne I stopped by. Thank you sooo much!
    Heather email me. :) I tried to find your contact but couldn't find it.

  14. Hey Mart! You won a print copy of The Spy Who Left Me. If you could use the contact form on the top menu of my blog, let me know your address! Congrats!

  15. Laura I just sent you a mess via your blog please let me know if you received it.


THANK YOU so much for stopping by and commenting! Appreciate it! YOU rock!