
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Secret Project Revealed! BROKEN HEART

I've been waiting months for this special moment. I'm SUPER excited to finally share my secret project! And because it's very close to my heart, its debut is on the 13th month of my open-heart surgery anniversary. 

BROKEN HEART is dedicated to my Heart Survivor Sisters, Samantha Jo Ormonde, Stephanie White Beckett, Stephanie Lawley ( Mosaic Heart), and LeAnne Chism. You'll always have a special place in my mended heart. 

A HUGE thanks to Mary Jo Prado for illustrating BH and making it come to life. I couldn't have done it without you! You are 100% AMAZING!!! And thank you for staying up until 2 a.m. with me getting things where they should be. THANK YOU Daryl Devore, Sheri Fredricks, and Sharon Johnson Mayhew for helping me make BH shine! 

Here it is, hot off the press.  


Here it is on Amazon.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Please feel free to share. Sending you ALL heart love and happiness. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Thank you all for celebrating with me.

P.S. I will be updating, sharing the Amazon link to this post as soon as it becomes live on Amazon.  

Broken Heart Description:

When seven-year-old Stephanie learns her twin, Julia, has a broken heart and the doctors have to mend it, she tries to make sense of things. Doing her best to stay strong, she helps Julia face her fears.

It's up to Stephanie to be Julia's biggest cheerleader. If she had only one wish, it'd be that doctors would fix Julia's heart and make it all better.

Will Stephanie get her heart's desire?

1 comment:

  1. LOVE!!!

    And I love the cover. I'll tweet once the Amazon link goes live.


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