
Friday, November 21, 2014

Heart Love, Prayers & Support For Baby Blog Hop

PLEASE PRAY for Baby Thad and help any way you can. This little guy has a very special place in my heart. Not only did he have the same congeintal heart defect as I did (I had PAVR, he had TAVR) but he's a heart surgery survivor. But he now needs a new pair of lungs and medical treatment.

I just created a Heart Love, Prayers & Support page HERE. Please Like and support. 

Click HERE to read his heart story. 

His beloved mother Lacey Boldyrev and family need all the support they can get. Please show some #HeartLove and pass this along and spread the word!! 

Thank you!

Lacey's Post: 
"I'm not very good at accepting help of any kind...but I'll happily take a prayer, a happy thought sent to the universe, some distant reiki. Anything."

 **Fellow authors. PLEASE SHARE*

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THANK YOU so much for stopping by and commenting! Appreciate it! YOU rock!