
Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Reads

Photo by Martha Ramirez

 Wishing you a new year filled with much health, much wealth, love, peace, and happiness.

Hope you all had a GREAT holiday.

It's that time of year again. Time to share books read the year prior.

In 2012, I read 25 books.  

In 2009 it was 32. 
In 2008 a total of 30. 

All the books I've read are also listed on my Goodreads profile. Drop by and come connect with me on GOODREADS.

You can check out my reviews on my site HERE

So here they are, 2012 books read from my TBR pile along with half a dozen novels from CPs:

The Merchant's Daughter by Melanie Dickerson

I'm Not Her by Janet Gurtler

Forged in Fire by Trish McCallan

Whisper by Alyson Noel

Writing Fiction by James Scott Bell

Bad Blood by Lucienne Diver

The First Five Pages by Noah Lukeman

Fated by Alyson Noel

Proof by Jordyn Redwood

Keeper of the Lost Cities by Shannon Messenger

Wild Horses by D'Ann L

If I Tell by Janey Gurtler

A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay

Don't Turn Around by Michelle Gagnon

The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews

Who I Kissed by Janet Gurtler

Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

How about you? What have you read that you've enjoyed in the year 2012?


  1. I haven't kept a tally of what books I read in 2012. I know it's much less than in years past. You have a nice list, though :) Have a very happy new year!!

  2. Great list of books read. I didn't keep track of the books I read in 2012. I will for 2013. Happy New Year!

  3. Hey Mart, I read far too many books to write them all down. I average 3 books per week. I just finished Simple Jess by Pamela Morsi. It's the sweetest, most charming, romance I've read in a long, long time. I definitely recommend in for your TBR pile this year.

  4. Thank you @Sheri and @Susanne!

    @Joan wow 3 books per week. That's great that many incorporating with writing. WTG!Simpel Jess sounds like a good one. Thank you for sharing.

  5. I wish you all the best of everything in 2013.

    I don't really keep track of all the books I read. Right now I'm reading Easy Innocence by Libby Fischer Hellmann. 25% in and it's really good.


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