
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

2013 Reads

Photo by Martha Ramirez

Happy New Year!

It's that time of year again. Time to share books read the year prior. Although my list is a lot shorter this year but I have a good excuse. :-) 

So here they are, 2013 books read from my TBR pile along with half a dozen novels from CPs:

Christmas Stalking by Margaret Daley

Remembering Wholeness by Carol Tuttle

Poison by Jordyn Redwood

Unremembered by Jessica Brody   FREE Chapters 1-5

What Happened to My Sister by Elizabeth Flock

Let the Sky Fall by Shannon Messenger

The Hidden Son by Dianna T. Benson

The Magic by Rhonda Bryne

The Power by Rhonda Bryne 

How I Lost You by Janet

How about you? What have you enjoyed reading in the year 2013?


2012 I read 25 books.  

In 2011) it was 28.

In 2010 44  In 2009 it was 32. In 2008 a total of 30. 

All the books I've read are also listed on my Goodreads profile. Drop by and come connect with me on GOODREADS

You can check out my reviews on my site HERE


  1. I've enjoyed reading so many books last year. Just don't quiz me on any of them. lol

  2. Loved seeing what you've been reading. I read a ton last year, but like Stina, you'd better not quiz me on them. Loved All Our Yesterdays and Taken, two debut books.

  3. Ah! You've read Shannon's LET THE SKY FALL. I need to read that! I'll have to check on Goodreads and see if we're connected; I can't remember. :)

  4. Hi! Like you, I didn't get to read as much as I would have liked in 2013, but I posted my top reads on my web site. Check them out!


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