Did somebody say P E E P S??
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I came across this AWESOME recipe and thought to share the link since I thought it was a fabulous idea (link below). Whipped them up the day before SPRING BREAK for some teacher love.
Note it is a little time consuming but well worth the time!
It was fun to make and even more fun to get creative with them.
Big thanks to Yellow Bliss Road for sharing!
Here's a little fun fact. In what year was the first Peep made?
Not a clue? I had no idea either.
The very 1st PEEP was made in 1953!

64 years ago.
Pretty cool, huh?
And I betcha didn't know that the Just Born Factory makes 5.5 MILLION PEEPS a day!
That's a whole lotta Peeeeeeeps!
Hope you all enjoy the special weekend in good company with family and your favorite peeps. Wishing you all a beautiful blessed Easter!!

And here is the link to the
Layered Peeps Rice Krispie Treats Goodness.
Super clever and super fun for spring!!!
Those look tasty!
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